Instructions for setting up Geppetto on Eclipse Neon

Last Update: November 29th 2018

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Another useful page that you might want to check if you any problems with the below is the Tips for developer to configure/deploy Eclipse + Virgo.

  • Install Eclipse Oxygen for J2EE
  • Install Virgo Server and Geppetto Sources
    • Now we need to install Virgo and clone the geppetto sources locally unless you have done those steps already. If not follow the instructions for either OSX or Linux or Windows. Follow the steps until Deploying Geppetto section and make sure to use the eclipse flag when you use the update_server script. ./update_server eclipse If previously you ran the script without the flag “eclipse” it is possible that Virgo won’t be started with success from eclipse due to the JARs and WARs archives already present, when they should be uploaded upon deployment by Eclipse. To avoid this you can follow the steps below:
      • Wipe all the content in $SERVER_HOME/repository/usr/*
      • Remove the folder $SERVER_HOME/work
      • Remove the file $SERVER_HOME/pickup/geppetto.plan
      • Run again the script update_server with the flag eclipse (e.g. ./ eclipse).
    • Now we need to import all the bundles that were cloned into Eclipse, to do so click on File->Import-> “Import Existing project into workspace” and follow the instructions.
    • You now have all the Geppetto bundles in your workspace, let’s add a link to the Virgo Server inside Eclipse. To do this we first need to install the Eclipse Virgo plugin.
  • Install Virgo IDE Tooling
    • Help -> Install New Software
    • Work With ->
    • Select “Eclipse Virgo Tools” and install it, you will be asked to restart Eclipse at the end.
    • Click on Window -> Show View -> Others -> Servers
    • From the new view create a new Virgo Runtime server (New Servers Wizard -> EclipseRT -> Virgo runtime)
    • Name it anything you like
    • For installation directory put the folder where you unzipped the virgo server above e.g. /opt/virgo-tomcat-serve-VERSION-NUMBER
    • Once the server is created right click on it and choose add, select all the bundles you wish to deploy and that’s it, at the end of this step you should have no errors on the bundles. If the bundles don’t show you need to add the Virgo Nature to them, you can do so by right clicking on them on the Package Explorer and selecting Virgo -> Add OSGi Bundle Project Nature. Once you added the bundles to Virgo it should look like this:
    • Before starting the server we need to make sure that the different bundles are deployed in the right order. Double click on the Virg server in the Server view, an editor will open. Look for the Artefacts Deployment Order pane and move the bundles up and down to reflect the following order. Save the content of the editor once you are done.
*anything else in any order*

You now have Geppetto configured in your Eclipse, right click on the server and choose debug or start, in the console you will see all the bundles loading up and you should see no errors. At the end of the process your server will be up and running, so just point your browser to:

If you want to use the Webpack dev server for hot deployment using your terminal go to the /org.geppetto.frontend/src/main/webapp/ folder and run

npm start

Once the webpack devserver is running you can connect to it using the port 8081 instead of 8080. Every change made to the web resources will refresh automatically the server and update your browser.