![](images/header.png) Geppetto is a web based platform to build neuroscience applications that let the user **explore, visualize and simulate neuroscience data and models** such as a **cell** or even a **whole brain**. A demo application using latest release of Geppetto is available [here](https://live.geppetto.org) while the binaries are available to [download here](https://github.com/openworm/org.geppetto/releases/). The documentation is split into two main sections: a guide to help you learn how to use Geppetto based applications and the developers documentation, to learn how to build applications based on Geppetto and how to contribute to it. [![](images/usr_btn.png)](./userdocs.html) [![](images/dev_btn.png)](./devdocs.html) If you have any problems you can write in the Slack Geppetto Channel (email info@geppetto.org to get an invitation), we'll be happy to help you! Contributions ============= Geppetto is open source, released under the MIT license. The following is a list of applications built using Geppetto: ## [Open Source Brain](http://opensourcebrain.org) [![OSB Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/implDpQSSWg/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=implDpQSSWg) ## [Virtual Fly Brain](http://virtualflybrain.org) [![VFB Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/XkbauvReJFA/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkbauvReJFA) ## [NEURON-UI](https://github.com/MetaCell/NEURON-UI) [![NEURON Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/CjoA3lTa25I/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjoA3lTa25I) ## [WormSim](http://wormsim.org) [![WormSim Video](http://img.youtube.com/vi/QaCRNX0hdwU/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaCRNX0hdwU) Geppetto is currently used and contributed to by the following groups: - [MetaCell](http://metacell.us) - [Wellcome Trust](http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/) via the [Open Source Brain](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/) initiative ([Silver Lab, University College London](http://www.ucl.ac.uk/silverlab/) ) - [Wellcome Trust](http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/) via [Virtual Fly Brain](http://www.virtualflybrain.org/) ([Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of Edinburgh](http://http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/) , [Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge](http://www.gen.cam.ac.uk/) , [MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge](http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/) , [European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)](http://www.ebi.ac.uk/) ) - [The Brain Observatory](http://thebrainobservatory.org) - [OpenWorm](http://www.openworm.org/) - [Orion Bionetworks](http://www.orionbionetworks.org/) The following is a list of the websites currently using a custom deployment of Geppetto available on the web: - [Open Source Brain](http://opensourcebrain.org) - [Virtual Fly Brain](http://virtualflybrain.org) - [Patient H.M.](http://www.patienthm.org) - [WormSim](http://wormsim.org) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact us ========== You can reach out to us at . [Website](http://geppetto.org) | [GitHub](http://git.geppetto.org) | [Development Board](http://board.geppetto.org) Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/GeppettoEngine) and on our [Blog](http://blog.geppetto.org)! Screenshots =========== ![](images/sshots/ss1.png) **Screenshot 1** - Visualization of the drosophila fly brain superposing anatomy and segmented neurons (Model source [Virtual Fly Brain](http://virtualflybrain.org/) ) ![](images/sshots/ss2.png) **Screenshot 2** - Simulation using NEURON of a model of the Auditory Cortex from David Beeman, University of Colorado (Model source [Open Source Brain](http://opensourcebrain.org/) ) ![](images/sshots/ss3.png) **Screenshot 3** - Simulation of a single compartment Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal model in [NeuroML](http://neuroml.org/) (Model source [Open Source Brain](http://opensourcebrain.org/) ) ![](images/sshots/ss4.png) **Screenshot 4** - Simulation of a network of single compartment neurons for the C.elegans built by the OpenWorm project. ![](images/sshots/ss5.png) **Screenshot 5** - Visualisation of a Purkinje cell in [NeuroML](http://neuroml.org/) from [Open Source Brain](http://opensourcebrain.org/projects/purkinjecell) ![image](images/sshots/ss6.png) **Screenshot 6** - Visualisation of the realistic morphology of a Ganglion cell reconstructed using [EyeWire](https://eyewire.org). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![](images/symbol.png)