Running CasperJS Tests =========== ## Prereqs * node.js * npm ## Install with: ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} npm install -g phantomjs casperjs slimerjs ``` ## Run with (in this folder): To test that Casper is properly installed: ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casperjs test LiveTests.js --engine=slimerjs ``` To run Core projects Tests (Requires NOT having the persistence bundle): ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casperjs test --includes=CoreTestsUtility.js CoreTests.js --engine=slimerjs ``` To run Persistence Tests (Requires the persistence bundle and a running MySQL server): ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casperjs test PersistenceTests.js --engine=slimerjs ``` If the tests were executed successfully and passed, you'll get something like this in your console. ![image](images/CoreTests.png): ## Settings and Errors Tests are executed by default on port 8080. If you would like to execute tests on a different port, you can change it [here]( If you have an error similar to this one: `Gecko error: it seems /usr/bin/firefox is not compatible with SlimerJS.` It may be due to a new version of Firefox not supported by your current Slimer version. You have two options: - Update Slimerjs and check if it supports latest FireFox - Change application.ini maximum Firefox version parameter. [Reference]( ## Adding New Tests New Tests can be added to the Persistence or CoreTests files found [here]( The Persistence tests can only be executed with the persistence bundle on. These tests make sure that the functionality for persisting projects/experiments works. The Core tests don't need the persistence bundle. These tests are for general Geppetto functionality including: UI performance, widgets, React components, camera controls and default Geppetto projects. New tests must be encapsulated in casper functions like this: ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casper.then(function(){ //test code }); ``` Only casper function calls can be made from here. To learn more about the tests calls that can be made from here check out the [CasperJS Test API documentation]( Calls to Geppetto code or JQuery must be encapsulated inside a casper evaluate function: ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casper.then(function(){ var value = casper.evaluate(function() { //Geppetto Code or JQuery }); //test code }); ``` The evaluate function returns a value, which can be used later for testing. **Example:** ``` {.sourceCode .javascript} casper.then(function(){ var expectedVisibility = true; var visibility = casper.evaluate(function() { return Canvas1.engine.getRealMeshesForInstancePath(variableName)[0].visible; }, variableName); test.assertEquals(visibility,expectedVisibility,"Visibility correct"); }); ``` In here we are testing the visibility of a 3D Mesh inside Geppetto. The call to Geppetto objects and functions is done inside the evaluate method, which returns a boolean with the visibility of the mesh. The return value is then used to test against the expected state. ## documentation * [CasperJS Test API documentation]( - assert API * [CasperJS Core API documentation]( - actions like clicks. * [Additional command-line options for casperjs]( (these can go after `--engine=slimerjs`)